Each time we encounter something, someone or someplace new an internal reaction takes place. With each new moment we grow or shed layers of our "identity," moving forward in a constant and perpetual act of defining who we are.
Myself (right), friend Luke, and two young girls in Dilla, Ethiopia |
Winston Churchill taught us "Never give in, never give in, never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." If my existence on this planet has taught me anything, it is that we are forged in fires which burn outside our comfort zone. With each new experience our world grows. We become braver than we thought ourselves capable of. We develop true and lasting convictions based on our own tactile experience. We see beauty in places we overlooked and truth in things we thought previously understood. We must never, never, never stop seeking out opportunities for exploration. These are the things which can revive our souls, even in our darkest times.
The purpose of this blog is to share photographs and stories of my attempt to honor this conviction and live my life in a constant state of exploration. I hope I can bring some joy, humor and interest to those of you who read this. I hope you might be inspired to engage in these entries and share your experiences. Mostly, I hope these reflections inspire you to embark on new adventures and, in doing so, expand the definition of who you are and what you may contribute to this world.
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