Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving - A Journey Towards Gratitude

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." - William Arthur Ward

Let's jump right in... I love this time of year! As November rolls into view a more reflective and contemplative nature seems to take hold on peoples' hearts. And in a world were there are so many half-truths and so much distrust, Thanksgiving has become less holiday and more necessity. These expressions of thanksgiving become quite prevalent throughout our social media outlets. Some people even do countdowns, listing one thing each day they are grateful for leading up to Thanksgiving. Over the years I have found these lists, at times, actually reveal things about my friends and family I had no idea were of such great importance to them. With each revelation we get a small peak behind the rose-colored glasses we so often affix to our social media persona and see what truly matters to the human behind the profile picture. In this reflective spirit, here is a list of some of the things I am thankful for this year! Leave a comment below and let us know what things, people or experiences you are thankful for this year!

What I am thankful for...

 I am thankful for this view from my bedroom window.
I am thankful for my brother, who I went on my
first adventures with.

I am thankful for my parents, who taught me about
true love and selfless devotion, and about being a stud ;-).
I am thankful for these goofballs, for they have known me
most of my life, and against their better judgment they still
they hang out with me!

I am thankful for Kelli, my sister-in-law, for agreeing to 
join our family, even after getting to know us!
I am thankful for my soccer family, who are so much
more than teammates.

I am thankful for my girl Ash, who constantly
reminds me to be brave in all things.
I am thankful for every day I got to spend with Matt, and
all the lessons his all too short life taught me.
 I am thankful for my SCAD family. You are proof that family
is, more often than not, made up of the people you choose.
And finally, I am grateful to all of you, whoever you are!
Your support of my work gives me more joy than
you might ever truly know.

Don't forget to leave a comment below and let us know what things, people or experiences you are thankful for this year!

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